Sunday, February 27, 2011

superpowers??? umm...yes please

Ok, so I was watching Fantastic 4, and aside form Jessica Alba being all hot and Ioan Gruffodd being extremely hot....I got to thinking about it.  I would really love to have some super powers.  Like, maybe not any of theirs, I wouldn't mind the whole invisibility/force field thing....I would want powers more like Jean know Pheonix from X-men.  Those are the powers I want.  AND she is a red head.  I mean, come on, is that not like the most perfect combo ever???  I could totally go for that!
and while we are on that, read this, it is great!!

It makes complete and total sense!!  The transformers one is my favorite, so pay extra special close attention to that one  ;)
But in the film, nobody ever mentions the fact that the Decepticons now have access to Terminators, except for an offhand remark by LaBeouf that she tasted like diesel. And though LaBeouf seems willing to trust everyone he sees (including his college roommate, and an actual retired Decepticon) to help him in his quest, the bad guys never see the benefit in perhaps dropping another fake human or two into his merry band of adventurers.
Instead, the giant robots just go straight back to punching each other, and Megatron gets his shit wrecked when the humans bring Optimus Prime to the fight. Good work, buddy -- maybe this is why Starscream keeps trying to steal your job."  
I really really really wish I could be that clever.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

do dah..jenni's got insomnia...all the do dah day... this is like day number 1,345,623,245 that I have had insomnia.  I just want Daniel today.  like now...  >sigh<  well, I guess patience is something I am going to have to learn.  I am NOT very good at this patience thing.  it sucks.  that is all there is to it. 

So, Lauren, I have totally decided I am for real going to write a book.....something paranormal..with a dishwater blond and a not-so-red redhead.  I have read a dozen books in the last week...and NOT a ONE has an attractive sounding girl with normal hair.  >sigh<  and especially the paranormal books....what is so wrong with normal hair.  why does it always have to be "Wheat colored hair, so heavy in curls it reached her hips."  or "Glossy jet black hair, the color of gunmetal and so soft it begged touching" or "Fire red hair, to go with her feisty nature, Her hair was so healthy and so full, you had to have your hands in it" is lame.  For once I actually want to be that exotic beauty.  To have somebody you love be so enthralled....why the books can't have girls with normal hair more often. 

I have to have a facebook rant now.  Because I can't stand it anymore.  I am only going to say only one thing..and only once.  Why do people (mainly older people) insist that I apologize for being me??  If you don't like it, there is this really wonderful little button there on Face is called Delete.   And this is where Tony DiNozzo comes into my blog...  
"Ziva: Apologize. Tony: What for? Ziva: For being you.  Tony: Sweetheart, if I had a dollar for every time I did that, I'd be loaded."
and that is that.  I am adopting more of a DiNozzo approach to life   lol.

I am again very much impressed with what people ask me to make for is a picture of the latest dress I was asked to make...for a wedding. 

yes....that would be a patchwork quilt wedding gown.  I am not certain what I think about it.

ok....I am going to try this sleep thing again.  We shall see.   :-*   
""Nos da fy siwgrau""
....yeah, so a goodnight smooch to yo all   lol

Thursday, February 24, 2011

2 words" Anthony DiNozzo

I can't sleep.  Yet again.  I am find it impossible.  shhhhh, don't tell anyone.  I just can't manage to keep my eyes closed for more than about 2 hours before I am waking up and staring at the ceiling for an hour.  I got up, decided I had enough of the bed, moved to the couch...and stared at a different ceiling for 25 minutes. So, I sewed.  Finished that....and then cleaned my sewing machine....The doc suggested I have a drink before bed...but I swear all of the sugar in it just hypes me up.  It is supposed to calm the nerves, I think it doesn't work on me.  I guess if actual meds don't have the desired affect, than alcohol won't either.   >sigh<  I feel like I need to get out of my body.  lol.  I know, stupid thing to say, but I feel like my skin is too tight and I am going to go crazy.  I need a better outlet. 

And my skin is KILLING me.  Had a moment today in the pet store.  There was this adorable little rubber elephant that when you squeezed the belly the trunk blew out and it made a trumpet noise.  I was enthralled by the silly little thing for like 5 minutes.  Mama then tells me it is latex, and literally at that moment everywhere my hand had touched started to burn.  One shot later of epinephrine and about an ounce of hydrocortisone cream later, I am feeling better, but the skin feels so tight I can hardly stand it. 

"Tony DiNozzo: (in an "anchorman" voice) In a tragic story of obsessive hobbying turned deadly, an NCIS Agent was discovered in his basement crushed between a large, homemade boat and an even larger bottle of bourbon. Film at eleven!"

This has been my day.  well.....not exactly a boat and bourbon....more like a sewing machine and...rum.  lol
I am going to start something new.  I have found myself able to (lately) quote Tony for every real life every day matter.  So, a post a day is going to have a wonderful quote from Mr. Perfect.  ...and just so everybody is on the same page...look below;

AND just to add, I think I have a slight addiction.  Like one has to cigarettes, or beer....I feel edgy, or nervous, or anxious if I don't get at least an hour of this man everyday.  So, for your viewing pleasure, here he is  :} quote of the evening??  I am reading J.R.Ward's Lover Eternal....brilliant I might add....and the quote is this;
"Even to a certified hetero, the son of a bitch actually bent the laws of physics, he was so attractive.  Blond hair was cut short in the back and left longer in the front.  Teal-blue eyes were the color of Bahamas seawater.  And the face made Brad Pitt look like a candidate for The Swan"  
don't ask me why that caught my attention, I just love the quote.  I don't particularly picture people when I read books....I know, it is weird, but I don't.  I just like the 'bent the laws of physics he was so attractive'  lol

and lastly....because I am gonna try and take a nap, song on the playlist at the moment?? Mamas and the Papas...Dream a little Dream  <3

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

a shot of self-esteem chased by a shot of self-reliance

So, as of today, I am manless.  My father is in Afghanistan, My brother is in Florida, My fiance in England, and my only cousin who I could count on (manwise) is joining the Army and leaves in less than a week.  seriously if that is not the largest shot of reality I have ever had I don't know what it.  Maybe I would be okay with all of this if every man I loved wasn't over 600 miles from me.  >sigh<  grrrrr.  I am also having some ex issues.  I mean, you would think that years later, he would get over trying to control me and make my life miserable.  BUT, yeah,  He is still a jerk and now has somebody spying on me.  Thank God for the restraining order and my dog and my .41.  It is all so stupid and just plain irritating. 

So, I got into the J.R.Ward Black Dagger Brotherhood books.....and can we say FABULOUS???????  yeah, addicted.  Not for the lazy reader though, and it is a bit intense with the language and such, but oh my cow, it pulls you right in and just doesn't let you go.  I have been told I may not like the last few books in the series, but I am going to enjoy the first ones and just let the boat float  :-)

I told Daniel there was a saloon here....and I wanted to prove it with this:

...yeah, everything looks a bit used up and run down in the daylight...  but nonetheless, here is a saloon  :}

Ohhhhhhhhhh...and before I forget to mention......It be coyote killing time.  Below is a picture of what was in my yard today...
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.   I wish they would just STAY away.  I mean, I don't mind them really, I just don't want them 100 feet away from where my defenseless children play.  thank God for Luna

Monday, February 21, 2011


You're just far away.  >sigh<   that is how I am feeling today.  Just.....far away.  Although I just read Lauren's blog....and you totally made me smile. 

So, I just finished the last touches on my wedding dress...oh I forgot to tell the story!!  Ok, so the dress that I bought, was beautiful...but went to have it altered, and the lady got it mixed up with another dress and altered it ALL wrong.  totally ruined the dress.,  I was SUPER pissed off...and that was when I decided I wasn't going to have anybody but myself make it.  So, I did.  And I finished it today  <3 

Ok, I know that you may be getting really tired with these links, but I am loving them, and seeing how this is my blog, I am going to share this one  ;}  it is soooooooo good

and I guess this appeals to me because I have THOUGHT ABOUT ALL OF THIS EVERY SINGLE TIME I WATCH A SHOW!   :}   again, sorry for the language if it bothers you....just remember I am just sharing, I didn't write it.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

wow...been a few days

Well...I know.  for all of my millions (maybe 4...tops) readers..I know you have missed me.  I have been somewhat a grump (wicked witch of the west-type grump) lately..and angry and a bit miserable, so I decided that maybe blogging about it would be a bit much for everyone to handle. SO, instead of making you listen to me b**ch and b**ch about how upset I am with the way 'loved ones' treat those they supposedly love...I am sharing this instead.  it made me laugh like you wouldn't believe and it is sososososo true.  I mean, think about it.....


oh and on another note....which I will continue to mention because i can't help myself.  I love the English accent...and here is another reason that the British are just yummy.  (well, none as yummy as my Englishman, but nothing is that great  :)
ok, he is Welsh, close enough  ;)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cancer, Static and immigrating my alien fiance...

So...after 18 months of thinking about what I would feel like on the day that I would be told that the cancer was gone, and that there had been no signs for quite some time... and that I was clean and my blood no longer polluted with cancerous little body stealing demons........I have arrived at that day and honestly it feels NOTHING like what I thought it would.  I suppose you have to take into account everything else that has changed in my life since that day I was told about the cancer in the first place.  You would think that after surviving a horrifically violent marriage, a baby being born 14 weeks early, and deafness....that cancer wouldn't scare me so much.  Being a domestic violence victim was by far the most emotionally devastating, but I did the therapy, I was blessed with a man who is beyond amazing and with him I have started to realize that I don't have to be a victim baby was in wonderful hands and some of the brightest and best Neonatal doctors in the south east had her under their spell....and the implants gave me back my hearing.  But you go in for a routine check up and the word 'cancer' is said and it is almost like every single thought in your head flees, and I swear the doctors probably thought I had been struck dumb.  Test after test...procedure after procedure...nothing was working, nothing was changing...and then a year ago I was introduced to a man who I swear is God's gift to the Female Cancer world, and he changed my life.  After 2 procedures he banished the cancer (well...that is the way I have thought about it). At 25 (at the time) being told that Vaginal Cancer was going to steal my hair, and my plumbing, and any trace of femininity I ever had, I was ready to lay down and never get up.  But yesterday I was told that after 12 solid weeks of clean tests results that I was clean.  I can officially claim remission....well, not complete cancer remission, because I do have to continue to go get tested every four months...but for the first time in 18 months I have been able to take a deep breath and feel good about my body.  I mean, try planning a wedding (to a man you first have to have immigrated), battling a crazy psycho ex-husband, and raising 2 toddlers basically by yourself, all while being scared to death of Cancer stealing your life. I feel like this huge weight has been all I have to do is tackle a new work out program  ;)

so....I killed yet another microwave.  That makes 4 in the last 6 months.  let's have a recount shall we, of every electrical appliance I have destroyed.  4 microwaves, 6 hairdryers, a stove, a washing machine, 8 lamps, 2 battery operated screw guns, 2 ceiling fans, 1 stereo and a TV.  I am thinking I need to be tested.  while I was pregnant with my first child I killed the Baby Monitor machine!!  They literally grounded me in the hospital because the static was so bad.  Who does that???   what is up me??  I feel like one of those balls that you can pass your hand over and the strobe lights reach out and touch wherever your hand was...what are those things called??? Englishman and I are almost officially in the immigration system.  Why do they have to make it so complicated for him to come over here??   He is from an friendly country...I am just amazed at how easy it is for people who come here illegally to make it in America and how cheaply they can accomplish it!!  But us??  Um, yeah, no.  Thousands of dollars and an endless list of things that need doing...but God is he worth it.  He is my everything.  So immigration...bring it on.  I am determined to have my Englishman here for good come Summertime.  And this redhead is ready for the battle.   

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

pardon the language :/

So this totally is worth the read....pardon the crude language at times, but it's great :}

I was impressed....and learned that what we need right now to straighten out our government is indeed some Andrew Jackson...just sayin'

Crock Pot Candy

Just as a side note, this turned out soooo good.  it is really really yummy:   here is the recipe:

mmm, it was super yummy  :}

Geeks and Glasses

You know...there is a very very thin line between the very sad geeky man and the overly educated arrogant one.  And I had the very unpleasant fortune to have to spend all morning in a room filled with both ends of this spectrum.  And let me just add that I could kick a certain man in the butt for telling me what guys think about women pretty women in anything that resembles a librarian.  I am no longer naive and I can honestly say that I am NOT interested in being some guys secret know what I mean.  and the thing about overly geeky guys is that they rarely get out of the lab ( the type of science that I work in, these guys rarely see anybody..ever) and so I spoke at a convention today and I swear I felt like a Luke Skywalker doll at some highball Starwars convention. It was gross.  There have been times I have wished to be stunning, and exotic looking....that traffic stopping kind of beauty....but today, all I wanted to do was shower.  >shiivver<

Monday, February 14, 2011


hmmmm...lasagna was brilliant.  who makes it at 9:30 in the morning???  that would be me.  why??  because I was in the mood for it and I was hungry...and my child said she would help me eat it.  So, as we both sat in the kitchen waiting for it to finish cooking (she has just gotten shots from her pediatrician...and I was willing to do whatever to make her feel better) I wondered why on earth can I not just cook because I want to anymore??  why do I have to have an occasion to my family not enough of a reason to actually make meals anymore??   I had to toss my favorite frying pan last month, and since then I have just NOT been the same.  grrr.  I have yet to tackle fried pork chops since the dying of the pan, and I really really want to.  >sigh<  such silly road blocks we put up for ourselves.  I mean, as I threw the pan in the trash I wanted to lay down on the floor and weep like some emotionally disturbed child. 

In other news : I still hate Valentines Day.  I mean really??  so the candy and flower industry make tons, everybody is encouraged to have sex, which means OB's are gonna be in demand 9 months from is all about industry  ;)  Question of the day??  "Did I buy myself chocolates??"   I refuse to answer.  

Ok, so I have an option for a venue for my wedding.  I wanted the winery that is a few minutes from my house (it is beautiful and very Tuscan feeling) but they wanted an outrageous amount of money just to rent.....but they called and said they would make me a now I have to decide if I want it or would be perfect.  I need to talk to the Englishman and get his opinion....but it is an option  :}  And I am thinking that I want my favorite food at the it weird to want pasta at your wedding???  like loads of different spaghetti??  And maybe some Chicken Alfredo....hmm, I am gonna go eat another serving of the lasagna  :}

LOVE QUOTE for the day??   
"I have this dream of being whole. Of not going to sleep each night, wanting. But still sometimes, when the wind is warm or the crickets sing... I dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for. I just want someone to love me. I want to be seen."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ignorance is most cases...cont

I was totally going to put "I hate cheaters" in that blog....but forgot.  so...I HATE CHEATERS.  or those that flirt shamelessly with people.  ok...that is it :}

Ignorance is most cases

So, I just learned what an 'open relationship' is.  All I can possibly say to that is EEWWW.  I mean really??  There are people who are okay with being married to somebody who wants to sleep with other people?  gross.  I should never have asked what it was.  because it totally grossed me out.  Even deleted a person because they were just...gross. 
I also had a moment.  I think it is just because I am totally emotional...I won't go into it, but I had a very jealous moment.  grrrr.   I don't understand jealousy, and have NEVER been a jealous person, I just had a moment.  That is really the only way I can describe it.  A weak moment where my mind wasn't working the way it should have been. 
facebook rant????   grossness on facebook.  don't be nasty...and don't insinuate...don't assume you know my mind when you don't....and don't say the f word on my page.  it just makes me upset. 

SO, tomorrow is Vday...have I mentioned how much I detest Vday??  it is stupid.  everybody has so much false love on that day.  If you can't be loving and thoughtful throughout the year, why would I want you to be on that day when 400 commercials have to remind you to say I love you....or you buy something that is totally worth nothing because some heart shaped box tells you 'she'll love it'   grrrrrrrrr.  I don't like it.  maybe it is because I can't have what I want on Vday.  maybe.,  I won't admit to it for real.  I am just leaving it at that.

Where has my desire to cook gone??  I really really need to find it, and soon.  otherwise I am going to waste away.  >sigh<

My man.....he is amazing.  just in case I haven't said that lately.  falling in love....well, with him, is the most amazing feeling in the entire world.
okay, so that is all at the moment  :} 

Saturday, February 12, 2011


So several things on the subject.  I am having a really rough night I think.  I am so stinkin' emotional.  My daddy's job is taking him away for a bit, and the love of my life isn't here yet...and somebody very close to me is abusing relationships...I think I am just feeling a bit rocky.  Not rocky as in I don't feel confident in the relationships I have, rocky as in, say the wrong thing and I may break down and have a toddler size cry baby fit on my floor.  I guess as far as my daddy goes, he is coming back, and it is a great and wonderful opportunity for him to be doing something he not only loves, but it is helping people..saving people.  And as far as somebody close to me (not really revealing anything too much) She just can't seem to find somebody that respects her, and she is lashing out at me when the relationships go bad (after I have told her they wouldn't last and that the guys were either just plain stupid, immature, or NOT what she needed) I am tired of being her punching bag.  I have distanced myself from her, and it actually hurts.  bad.  I want to help, but she is blaming me for certain things and for my own health I just can't do it anymore.  She asks what I think and I have to tell her that she wouldn't care to hear the answer so why bother with the question.  I am not being childish, I am having to be the grown up....I just want a normal relationship with  I guess that sounds silly.  Relationships are bound to have their chaos.  It is just lately there is no friendship and constant chaos.  And with the long-distance relationship part of the emotional drama that is my life...He makes me happier than I have ever been in my entire life.  Every minute of every day that he is gone makes me realize that I need him in my life for every minute of every day that I am blessed with having left.  I guess you could say that if the love is right, and good, and magical than the distance love like oxygen is to fire.  It will extinguish the weak, but it will make the already blazing fire burn harder and brings life to the strong.  One day it won't hurt at all anymore because he will be right here with me all the time....but for now there is an ache that doesn't seem to want to go away.  but, like we always say :  we are magic.  that is all there is to it. 

Facebook rant??  Is it such a bad thing to not want to get married inside a church wearing white and the whole 'shebang' when it isn't what I want??  I mean, (I am obviously not a virgin with having two children and all, white is just out....a personal choice) and to be honest I want the feel of the grass on my feet and the moonlight and the stars to be witness to it all.  Going to church, being in a church doesn't make you any more a believer than sitting in a garage is going to make you a car.  I want what I want and I am getting frustrated by the people who keep trying to tell me what I need.  grrr. go away.  fix your own problems and leave me be.   OH and what is up with relationship statuses changing ever 3 days for some people??  and what the crap does 'it's complicated' mean??????  I mean, you are either in a relationship or you aren't and if you have to put 'it's complicated' as your relationship status, that I would suggest you rethink your desire for the relationship in the first place.  And don't blabber about how in love you are all over facebook when you just broke up with somebody 3 days ago and are now into somebody else.  gross. 

Bright side to tonight???  I get a midnight date with my man  :}  when he is all sleepy and grumpy  :}  but he loves me enough to skype at o-dark-thirty because I need him  <3  how did I manage to get that lucky??  Even sleepy (when I can't understand a word he says because his incredibly strong English accent is all slurred with sleep) he is such a handsome guy  <3

quote of the night???   ""You ever put your arms out and spin really, really fast? Well, that's what love is like. It makes your heart race. It turns the world upside down. But if you're not careful, if you don't keep your eyes on something still, you can lose your balance. You can't see what's happening to the people around you. You can't see that you're about to fall...""

PS;  the Drake Sisters novels by Christine Feehan....are SO FRICKIN' GREAT!   just as a side note  :} I am reading the 5th and 6th books in the series again for the millionth time and every single page is just wonderful.  I love it when great authors can keep you captivated book after book after book.  Christine Feehan, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter, Hannah Howell.....  I love you ladies soooooooooooo much  :}  Thank you for keeping me company and always providing me with something riveting whenever I am in desperate need. I wish all the time I had even a tenth of your talent!  

Friday, February 11, 2011

hmmm, yes please

So,  I had mentioned this to Daniel a few days ago...and I just turned the radio on for a bath, and her music was on, and it made me think of it all over again.  Kylie Minogue has one heck of a body.  I mean, for a woman in her mid forties...not that 43 is old at all.  but I think, 17 years from now I will be her age, and I would LOVE to have a body as rockin' as hers.  That is my goal..  lol, to look as hot as Kylie Minogue (minus her face, because I don't really think her face is all that stunning) but her body, I would love to have a figure like that 17 years from now!!


Just as an add....What ever happened to actresses like Barbara Eden and Elizabeth Montgomery??  Isn't she as cute as can be???  I LOVED them, the actresses now are just plain crap.  I mean, Megan Fox??  Really??   Ok, so I do love Jessica Biel, and Claire Danes....I guess I am weird. 

the working class.....

I am going to rant...about single parenthood.  I start this out by saying that, just in case you have no desire to read it, you can just skip down a paragraph and not have to worry about offending me.  My children go see their ... 'father' ... every other weekend for a day and a half.  This should not bother me...but for a man who spent a good deal of time hurting me and making me feel horrible, I have a deep down desire to see him hurt.  I know, I shouldn't and I really should learn to move on and semi-enjoy the 'peace' that I have when they are with him.  but, I don't.  It hasn't happened yet.  And where is the help I am begging for??  He hasn't paid child support in such a long time....and I am not talking like a month or two, I mean like 18 months.  grrr.  And I have those thoughts of "if he can't afford to do what a judge told him he needed to do, and state is not helping by enforcing, then why on earth do I have to hand my babies over to him???"  But Daniel says that it will make everything so much easier when they get older, because they will be able to see that mommy never once talked bad about him, never held them from him.  I want them to make up their own minds about are so smart and so intuitive.  they know.  But, the part that I wanted to get to is this: I feel like crap.  I am sick and I wanted to whine that it is harder because I have them to look after, a job that I have to do to provide for them, a second job to make up for the first jobs lack of funds...and both are pretty demanding on my spare time.  There just isn't anybody here to take care of me...and sometimes I want to punch something.  They are my world though, and if protecting and providing for them costs me a little, than so be it.  I just wanted to whine about it.
And while we are on the whining, I am going to poach some more from Lauren and have a daily facebook rant.  I am so sick of hearing about people fussing about their significant other (I mean seriously, not just as a joke...or teasing them...) I hate it when people take the little things for granted.  I can't see the love of my life unless it is skyped...I can't touch him or kiss him or breathe him in...I can't have him hug me when things feel rough, or wake up to find him day really soon I will..but when people are constantly fussing about the little stuff it really pisses me off!!  "Does he not understand that I hate picking his socks up??  makes me want to hit him with a frying pan!  the floor is NOT a dirty clothes basket and he should appreciate what I do!"   that is an exact quote.  I know for sure that this guy works all day in a very very demanding job, they have a baby (she stays at home) and because I am a mother who has stayed at home, who still stays home most of the time with my kids, I can say this.  She is the one who should be thankful!  He has a job, loves his family, and worships her....what the crap is wrong with letting little things like stupid socks on the floor go??  I posted on her status that she should be thankful she has somebody who loves her, and she responded that if he loved her he would listen and stop throwing his socks on the floor.  Seriously??????   I wanted to slap the stupid out of her!!  She needs to find an outlet and take the pressure off of her husband. 
Speaking of an outlet....I miss painting.  Like really really miss it.  I just haven't had time for it and it makes me sad.  I have things I need to finish... (yes Lauren, I am going to finish that project before Christmas, I swear!!) and I sometimes think, "if I can't make time for the things that make other things worth it...what am I doing to myself?"  I love to sew...but haven't done anything in weeks...

Okay...well.  I am going to end the mid day rant...and hopefully the next time I blog it won't be to say mean things about people  :}  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

giving this a shot...

So, Lauren....totally inspired me to blog...of course, her life is infinitely more interesting than my own, but I figured I would give this a shot  ;)   I have thoughts, they might not be anywhere close to interesting, but here we are  :}  It does at least give me an outlet at all hours of the day when sleep is nowhere near, or when I have the great desire to eat my children because they are being completely disobedient, or the times when I miss my fiance so much it hurts...I guess putting my thoughts and rants out into cyberspace is a way of technologically screaming  :D  fantastic way of looking at it!  Where this goes, or how long it lasts, nobody knows I suppose...but cheers to me for trying something new  ;)  so, to the millions of people reading this  >insert the 'harharhar' here<  I hope to NOT disappoint.
So I tried to make my homepage here interesting, but after about 45 minutes of attempting to make it look like something different than one of the templates, I gave up.  Being absolutely ignorant about most things techno, I give up often when it comes to the computer.  That being said, I will add this; my fiance and I have been together for over a year now, he lives in England, and I JUST figured out how to Skype.  I know I know,...quite pathetic really.  But, that is me.  I once tried to clean my computer (defrag or whatever it is called) and locked the whole thing up and had to take it to a computer doc and have its brain unscrambled.  I had Daniel (fiance) on the phone the whole time I hooked skype up, and asked about a zillion, the homepage here for my scintillating blog will remain as it is until somebody tells me how to work the magic.
I suppose I should add something from my day that would be interesting enough to keep readers here  >wink wink< but all that goes on in my life is pretty dull really.  I have two beautiful daughters, but other than kiddy things...they are kids  lol.  I am a geneticist though...and I spent all morning doing paternity tests for the police lab where I live.  I actually had one that had 11 specimens to compare to the child in question.  That always shocks one woman could possibly live with herself knowing that there could be more than one man to father her children is beyond me.  11???   that is enough to make me need therapy, I can't imagine what that poor child is going to have to grow up thinking.  I mostly work in the lab though...and it is nothing like CSI or NCIS...they really glorify the job.  Where I work (any lab I have ever been in) the lights are always on...we don't wear designer clothes (haha, funny that they believe we get paid enough to afford them!!) and the office romance is NEVER as stimulating as Tony and Ziva....and I am about as wild as the lab has ever seen, but I am not sporting any spider web tats on my neck.   Although, I am dying for a tattoo!!  I would love one, but can not commit to any one particular thing.  I know where I want it...I just have way too many things I would want, but nothing I have found I want inked onto my body for a lifetime...perhaps when I get my dose of bravery, I will battle the tattoo and win.  ;)

okay...well...I figure I have rambled enough for one day  :}   come back soon....well, whenever I decide I have something slightly more interesting to say  :D