Saturday, March 19, 2011

house guests, and missing my man

So, long time no speak again...I promise I will be better at this!!  Funny thing is, I have sooooooooo much to say, I am just horrible at the whole follow through thing  :D
So, my house guests moved in...and really, other than the girls stuff being in my room, it isn't that much different.  I mean, they are great house guests!  my house is little bitty, but it sort of works.  Gwendolyn LOVES the fact that there is an unborn baby here.  She is constantly touching Jessica's belly and asking where the baby (Markus) is and when will he get here.  It is the cutest thing ever. 
Ok, on another note, one that is tearing me apart.  I now know ( some extent) how Daniel must have felt when I was going through the cancer treatments and blood tests and all the worry that you have for someone you can't hold, or touch or poor baby is having some issues, and I really hope it isn't like an appendicitis...but he has been in SO much pain over the last few days and on really nice pain medication...and finally he is at the doctors today, and I am worried sick.  We have been together for over a year now, and through it all we have only gone 2 nights not talking to each other, and I haven't heard from him in a few days...well, I mean we chat and stuff, but hearing his voice...I really really really hope he is okay.  I don't like the feeling of not having him here with me to worry makes me ill.  I can't imagine what he was going through and never even mentioned to me when I was sick.  if it is anything like this.....oh my cow, how he did this day after day, week after week...I would have caved.  He is the most special man in the whole world.  
ok...before I lose it completely....onto another subject yeah?? yeah.  good idea.

So Jessica (my friend who now lives with me while her hubby is in basic) is a vet tech, and well this lady came in yesterday with this baby squirrel, brand new little thing, and the rescue people couldn't get him until today, so she brought it home last night...he was so freaking cute!!
how freakin cute is he???????!!!!    sweetie pie that he is. 

So I watched the movie The Social wasn't bad.  AND I have had an off and on again migraine for the last few days....I am ready to pull my hair out.  grrrr.......

DiNozzo anyone???  umm, yes please.  now.   ;)
""(Gibbs walks into the squad room)
Gibbs: Come on, grab your gear. Don't wanna miss the school bus.
Tony: Class trip, boss?
Gibbs: Got a dead petty officer in a high school stairwell. Janitor found him this morning.
Tony: Hmm. (Starts singing) Wheels on the bus go...
Gibbs: (Gibbs joins in) ...round and round, round and round, round and round...""
I don't know why this one appealed to me, I just can't get it out of my head....and find myself everytime I am in the car lately or anytime I see the school bus, this pops into my mind.  lol, now everyone can share it  :}

1 comment:

  1. Ah, how we wish to take the pain of our loved ones for ourselves! I hope he gets to feeling better soon!

    That baby squirrel is soooo cute!! And, as always.. love the ncis-ness :)
