Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I am aware of my weight...thank you very much

"ummm...do you have a problem eating??"  me: "excuse me??"  "I said, do you have an eating disorder??"  me: "did you just ask me if I had an eating disorder??"  "I am sorry honey, you just look so thin" me:" hmmm, well you look fat"  "excuse me???"  me"yeah, it isn't nice is it" 
ok, you read that right.  I actually responded with "hmm, well, you look fat"  a low point that I am not proud of.  but really??  you really said I looked like I had an eating disorder.  grrrr.  people really say that out loud anymore?????  You don't just go up to somebody and ask if they have issues eating.  I hope she gets food poisoning.  I mean, it isn't like I looked like this:
ewww.  times 800. 

I am awake...all because of some stupid dream.  Which in turn led to me getting slightly jealous.  This jealousy is completely unfounded and very unnatural for me.  It is actually complete and total made up jealousy.  The sort that makes you feel really stupid...but still jealous.  And it was either blog or make a total idiot of myself.  I chose the lesser of two evils TRUST me.  Me making an idiot out of myself usually takes at least 5 months to get over.
On a totally different note...I don't care how hot Matthew McConaughey may think he looks, he has two really horrible issues.  First one....the man doesn't believe in deodorant.  seriously...he waxes his chest, and runs miles everyday and refuses to wear bloody antiperspirant.  There is not enough alcohol or money on this planet to make me fake desire for a man who is smoother than I am, and stinks like old gym socks.  >gag<  Second, the man went bald for Reign of Fire.  never, under any circumstances (omitting any type of tragic medical illness) is it okay to go bald and act like Matthew McConaughey on Reign of Fire.  The only, and I mean ONLY thing that was wonderful about that movie was that Christian Bale looks smokin' hot.
  see what I mean...barf bag at the ready.

side bar....I am totally into "How I Met Your Mother"  just thought you guys should know that.  It is a train wreck and I have found myself sucked into it.  However, that does not take away from my devotion to the DiNozzo.  I feel the need to clarify...just in case there is any doubt about where my loyalties are.  Point made, moving on....
SOooooooooo....I tried dying my hair brown.  Literally....color would not take.  It completely washed out in the shower, and the only thing accomplished was the absolute wonderful sinfully delicious silkiness that the conditioner in the dye left my hair.  I would sniff my hair. 

gross word of the day:  "Moist"  mercy, I hate that word.  I mean, who says moist??  >shudder< 
I have nothing to do for the next 10 days.  And here is why: I got overzealous and finished a publication that I set out to do in 2 weeks...I finished it in 48 hours.  And now I won't be up for another project until the 2nd.  :/  I guess I could look at this as a vacation...but you don't know me very well if you think I am going to relax.  My body hasn't relaxed since I have a friggin' spinal block when I was knocked out to have a baby c-sectioned out of me.  So, I am going to finish projects that I told people would be done by Christmas.  Now, before you call me ambitious, I should tell you that I mean Christmas...of 2010.  >sigh< 

I do not have a dinozzo quote of the night...I do however leave you with a picture...that says it all  :}
yes...I know.  good morning. 

I must tell you, ladies of the swannery, that I am grateful to you both.  You know why, and I am leaving it at that. 
Soooooo...Englishman...I need you to come home.  ASAP.  and to get completely and totally mushy and very very girly, I have this song stuck in my head:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFtx54oRkBo

I miss my daddy too.  like more than I did when I was a kid.  You think about the times in your life when you need your daddy....and I never imagined as an adult I would feel like I did when I was 8 and he said he was going to miss my birthday.  I know I shouldn't...well, feel this bad about it...but I am the equivalent of an emotionally disturbed toddler and I sometimes just plain can't control myself.  I think some of it is the fact that I have spring break coming up...and the girls 'dna donor' has them for 5 whole days.  nothing I could do about vacation time, so I am super bummed.  And lately...it just seems like when I need somebody the most, it is during the time they are gone and I feel like the universe is trying to teach me to swim by throwing me into the freakin' ocean and yelling at me to tread water or drown...and I just am not that strong yet.  So yes...I miss my daddy...and my fiance...and my brother.  Anywho...emo rant over...back to something about sunshine and roses and feel good stuff  :}
I made the best scones yesterday...they were brilliant and I actually patted myself on the back and brought one to my grandmother who said, upon eating one of them, "where on earth did you buy these???"  that is right...i impressed the original betty crocker.  and it felt wonderfully satisfying  ;)
ugh.  getting glasses next week...like the kind that you wear all the time.  lol.  oh well...anything to make the headaches better.  plus...I wanna learn a new language and I want to finish learning Gaelic.  it would help if I could read what I needed to without getting blindsided by a migraine.   
ok...off to try this little thing the body likes to do sometimes whether I am prepared or not.  Sleep..apparently it is good for the body, or so I am told anyway  ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Mmm. Good morning, indeed!

    I am glad you clarified your allegiance. I worried there for a second!!

    I miss my Daddy too! And even my brother lol. Don't tell him I said that!

    I loooooove scones! I want one! I had a delicious scone with some lemon spread... lemon jam? I don't know, but it was yummy!

    I like a couple of Matthew Mc movies, but he always bugs me in them. For me, it's the way he talks... and moves his arms lol! But Fool's Gold is one of my feel good movies :)

    I am so impressed with you saying that lady looked fat! That is hilarious. So many times have I wanted to say that when I get comments like "you need to eat!" or whatever... "oh yeah? Well you could skip a few meals!" Ah! Someday, someone will catch me on a bad day and I wont be able to hold back :) But seriously, who asks a question like that?!? Hello... that is rude and personal! Even if you DID have an eating disorder, it's not like you'd go shouting it around to everyone. Some people just have NO boundaries!!
