Tuesday, April 19, 2011

who's your daddy??

So after literally ALL morning going through paternity tests, I have determined that people are nasty.  I mean, how messed up do you have to be to NOT know who your child's father is?  I understand there are circumstances....however, a woman submitting 4 paternity tests like it was just another day...makes me want to vomit.  And let me tell you how unsatisfying it is.  It isn't like I am curing diseases or making someones life better....all day today I have been in a funk.  Hating women who whore around, and hating men who want to be with that.  I mean, either way it is gross.  What is worse is that in the profiles, 2 of the 4 men were married.  for real????   ugh.  I have been treated horribly, I can't imagine how those women would feel.  But who knows, maybe they are crappy too.  ugh.  yucky yucky yucky.  had to come home and bathe.
And to make matters worse, there is this technician in the lab that is constantly trying to get in my pants.  I mean, he is the kind of guy women buy weapons to guard against.  The last time I was in the lab he used a pick up line on me that should win an award for creepiness!!  and he poked me in the back with a paper towel roll.... I wrote a sexual harassment report up on him, but to be honest I just want to laugh at him.

So, I had a bunch of trouble with the filing of insurance for Lilli's hospital visit.  They want to claim that because I used an Oral Surgeon that the surgery was elective.  WTF???   She literally abscessed and the infection was literally 48 hours away from killing her.  KILLING HER.  She had no choice...so now they want to charge me a bunch of money for the actual surgery.  On the bright side we are home and Lilli is alive and getting better  :}  She woke up this morning miserable and in a ton of pain, but she is doing better now....

i know everybody who reads this already sees my FB and the pictures are just copies, but I loved them and thought they were worthy of a second post  :}

Well, I can tell you that what I didn't miss in the hospital was the damned rooster.  I am so tired of it, and it has only been one night.  I think though that I got so used to waking up every two hours at the hospital that last night was a sleepless and lonely night even though we were at home.  >sigh<  I hate sleeping.  why is it that every time I think of sleeping I automatically think of about 5 other things I could be doing.  laying down, trying to fall asleep is the worst time of day for me.  I hate it.
And you guys will all be so happy to hear that my rooster has a girlfriend!!
yes.....it is frustrating.  If I end up with babies all over the place I am going to scream!!!!!  lol

DiNozzo anybody??
Abby  I dated him last year and things just got a little out of hand.
DiNozzo: Did I mention the restraining order?
Abby  Ok it was lot out of hand.
Gibbs: Why didn't you come to me, Abby?
Abby : Because, Gibbs, I wanted him restrained. Not beaten to a pulp with a baseball bat.

I love it....this is what I was feeling today  ;)
okay...well, that is all I have at the moment.,  Lauren, i am getting my list together...be prepared, hahahaha.  my next blog will make you proud, lol.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh I'm prepared!! And excited :)

    Totally gross... I'm with you. I'd have needed a shower. Keep your legs closed, people! Nasty!!

    I'm excited for Mr. Roost. It's always exciting to see love! <3 Hhaha of course, I don't have to hear him cockadoodle.

    So glad Miss Lilli is home and ok. Oral surgery sucks a lot. Loratab was my friend!! I hope she feels 100% soon!!
